0121 448 7933

Learning Outside the Classroom

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All educational visits and learning experiences out of the classroom will be approved by the Head/Deputy Head. In accordance with national recommendations all Educational visits and learning outside of the classroom experiences will take into consideration the impact upon a child’s learning and will reflect our school’s aims and ethos.


All accompanying adults have a duty of care. Members of staff should remember that they are in ‘loco parentis’ at all times and that common law duty states they should act as ‘reasonably prudent parents would’.

Children should never be alone or isolated from their group. When deciding groups, children should be considered individually according to need and placed with suitable adult who can best enhance the learning experience.


We will ensure that each visit is planned thoroughly and with ample time to assess the risks. Any outdoor or adventurous activities will be assessed to that they are within the ability of the children participating, taking account of the age and abilities of the children and the accompanying staff.

No amount of planning can guarantee that a visit will be totally incident free, but a thorough assessment of risk together with good planning and attention to health and safety measures can reduce the number of accidents and lessen the seriousness of those that do happen. Risk assessments will be undertaken prior to all off site activity being undertaken.

Aims & Objectives

Educational Visits and learning outside the classroom are an integral part of life at Redstone Educational Academy, furthering the education of the pupils. Educational visits and learning experiences outside the classroom are arranged for a child not only so their learning is benefited but also so that, knowledge, understanding and skills can be developed through experience that is not achievable in the classroom.

‘When you step outside the classroom you have the opportunity to transform learning and raise achievement. Learning outside the classroom allows participants to learn in context, to learn by practical engagement, and to learn by personal discovery.’ – DCFS, Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, Out and About Guidance 2006

Educational visits and learning experiences outside of the classroom are defined as the use of alternative places other than the classroom for teaching and learning and include both day visits and residential activities.

See some of the fun and educational trips our students have been on down below!