Headteachers Welcome
As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum — Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to welcome you to Redstone Academy and say how excited we are that you have chosen this Academy for your child. Starting school is such a special time; a time for new experiences, new friends and a step towards more independence for your child.
Our ethos is much more than a statement of aims, as it pervades all aspects of life and work at school and is reflected in everything we say and do. It is a very powerful message and completely underpins our provision of education at the school as well as the personal, spiritual, moral and social development of our children.
We believe our children need to be inspired with a sense of virtue. Our children need to know and believe that sincerity for the sake of Allāh, honesty, respect, responsibility and courage are vital in laying the foundations for our future. At Redstone, we value the rich cultural diversity of the community and work hard to ensure that students’ learning experiences reflect this positively, enabling students to recognise, challenge and deal with inequalities in society, and to show respect for others.
Our students need to acquire the knowledge, skills, patience, and attitudes necessary to become happy, healthy, well-adjusted, productive adults and responsible citizens; to help students become enthusiastic, lifelong learners who are able to manage change; and to help students to perpetuate and have a positive impact on their families, their communities, their country, and their world.
Our curriculum reflects the very strong aspirations of parents and management to ensure that we produce well-balanced young individuals with a sense of good who are proficient learners. We believe that our students should reach the highest standards of education in their year groups and leave Redstone at the end of their tenure with the highest grades.
We sincerely hope your child enjoys their time at our Academy and we ask Allāh to grant them success in this life and the next. Āmīn.
Saadat Rasool (MEd, NPQH) — Executive Headteacher
Name: Redstone Educational Services LTD
Sort Code: 30-94-74
Account Number: 26223568
Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre
472 Coventry Rd, Small Heath, Birmingham | B10 0UG